A member of our Insurance Recovery & Counseling team, Counsel Robyn Anderson, has been out there spreading the word on supply chain disruption and potential coverage losses by business interruption insurance since October. Below please find 3 articles and 1 media clip Robyn has been featured in regarding this topic:

  • Robyn spoke with Robert Bowman of SupplyChainBrain along with Rick Bridges of Lockton Companies in the 11-minute long video titled, “Why Companies Are Considering Supply Chain Disruption Insurance”. In the interview, Robyn discusses how policies often require physical damage or property loss to trigger coverage and how recent events have companies increasingly seeking the protection of business interruption insurance.
  • Robyn also authored an article published on January 27, by Supply & Demand Chain Executive, titled “COVID-19’s Impact on Supply Chain and Business Interruption Insurance Claims.”
  • In November 2021, Robyn was interviewed for a Corporate Risk and Insurance article, “Insurance Implications of the Supply Chain Crisis.” In it, Robyn offers comments on the insurance implications of the pandemic-related supply chain crisis and provides insights on how companies should be thinking about managing insurance risks tied to supply chain incidents.
  • In October 2021, Robyn was interviewed and quoted in the Law360 article, “Supply Chain Issues Seen As New Coverage Battleground,” on insurance implications of supply chain disruptions. [Please note – a Law360 subscription is required to view this article.]

Feel free to contact Robyn Anderson with any questions on supply chain disruption insurance.